Go from Snapshots to Stunning images!

Learn the very BEST way to take uniquely beautiful photos with Beginners Guide to Manual Mode.

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The course did what it promised. It demystified manual mode for me. 

 - Judy W.

Courtney, you are so friendly and relatable.  You helped give me the confidence that despite my busy life with four children it is possible to master this passion of mine with practice.  Thank you!

Jeni M.

Everything (the site, the videos, the materials, the process) was really well organized and I learned a lot and saw a huge improvement in my pictures right from the start. My camera is no longer hiding in the drawer but has been out and in use almost everyday since I started this course. 


This class finally helped me understand manual mode! I’ve purchased numerous photography how-to books over the years, but the information provided in this class was presented in a way that was more clear, so that it made sense to me. I wish I had taken the class sooner!!