What if you could get professional looking photos with the click of a button?


Give your photos that “wow” factor 

...and do it quickly and easily with these professional quality Lightroom Presets.

Get INSTANT access to the Presets >>


You love your photos, but sometimes it feels like something is missing...

You know you need to edit your images to take them to the next level.

So you do your research and decide to purchase Lightroom. But when you open up the program, you are quickly overwhelmed.

You just don’t know where to start.

You find yourself having to re-learn different editing techniques. There is a lot of trial and error and none of it is working like you had hoped.

You know what you want your photo to look like, but don’t know what you need to adjust to make it happen. Why does this have to be so hard?

You end up spending hours editing your photos. You are stuck behind your computer and not out enjoying life. You want to edit faster so it isn’t so time consuming, but you aren’t sure how.

You finally finish editing your photos, but they still don’t have that pop you were looking for.

You become discouraged and frustrated.

Can you relate?

I was just like you.

I purchased Lightroom at the recommendation of a friend and thought it would be easy to learn. I quickly realized that although it was an incredible program, I wasn’t ready to dive in and learn everything it had to offer.

I didn’t want to spend all day behind the computer trying to edit hundreds of images.

I wanted an easy button.

That's when I found out about presets. After purchasing my first set of presets, I found that my images not only looked 10x better, but they started to have a more consistent look to them.

Presets are not the end-all-be-all. I did need to dive deeper into Lightroom to really learn how to edit my images, but I still use presets to this day to enhance them.

Presets are a way to work smarter - not harder - when it comes to editing. By using a preset, you simply click a button and a set of pre-selected editing adjustments will be added to your photo. It’s that easy. It’s like letting a professional photographer edit your images for you.

Are you ready to speed up your workflow?

I’ve teamed up with my photography mentor, Megan Cieloha, to create 

The Clean Collection Presets.

These  presets will not only speed up your workflow, but they will give your photos the beautiful, professional look they deserve.


The Clean Collection Presets will help you...

  • Instantly make your photos pop

  • Quickly and easily speed up your workflow with a professional quality editing

  •  Save time by editing an entire set of images in a matter of minutes

  • Help you stop worrying about when to stop editing your photo - we've taken the guess work out of it for you

You deserve to spend less time behind the computer and more time sharing your beautiful photos!

I enjoyed trying all the presets on my photo, really loved reading the fabulously interesting and informative description of the ones I chose and it enriched my photo just as described! Each picture I used the presets on had greater depth and tone. You could also inflect your personality into the picture with the presets because not just one worked well with each photo.


Meet Megan & Courtney! 

It's frustrating when your vision doesn't translate from your camera to your computer. Worse yet, you end up spending hours trying to recreate what you saw through editing.

 It's frustrating when your vision doesn't translate from your camera to your computer. Worse yet, you end up spending hours trying to recreate what you saw through editing.

We get it. We were in your shoes. That's why Megan Cieloha and I teamed up to create The Clean Collection Presets. 

We made it our mission to help you get your time back, while also breathing life back into your images with the click of a button!

We know that a good edit can make all of the difference in the success of an image. Try The Clean Collection today to speed up your workflow, and start spending more time shooting and less time behind your computer. 

Give your photos the "wow" factor they deserve!

Here's what you'll get...

Professional Lightroom Presets to help bring out the best in your photos

  • 5 Clean Color Presets to enhance your photo's natural colors and tones with a clean pop of dimension
  • 5 Brightening Presets + 1 Darkening to help you give your lighting a boost 
  • 5 Black & White Presets to help you convert your images to the perfect black and white photo
  • 15 Creative Clean Presets to add a subtle artistic element to your photos

  • Our Detailed PDF describes exactly how to best use the presets 

  •  Step-by-step instructions to help explain the process for downloading your new presets into Lightroom

  •  Beautiful Before & Afters in full color to help you see the effect of each preset 

  •  Detailed descriptions to help you understand exactly what the preset was designed to do 

  •  Additional insight into various photo details to help you further enhance the preset's effect to fit your photo


5 Clean Color Presets

Give your images that "true to life" edit. Clean, but with a pop to make them shine.

5 Black & White Presets

From subtle and clean, to moody and dramatic, these B&W presets give you options.


15 Creative Color Presets

Do you want to push your images a little further than clean? These subtly artistic presets are the perfect way to add extra to an image without over-editing.

Give your photos a professional look with a single click!

Get time back on your side with these easy to use presets!

You've seen them in action with our photo examples - now put them to the test with your own!

Using presets is EXACTLY what I needed to speed up my workflow and give my images that "wow" factor. I'm so excited to share them with you!

And don't worry - the detailed pdf included in your download will ensure you know exactly how to use them.

Loving the new presets! The “Simple Clean” is my favorite so far. I love how to presets keep the integrity of my style but add a little extra to make it really pop. After adjusting white balance and cropping the photo it was simple to apply the preset and get just the look I was going for without a lot of time. I am looking forward to using these to speed up the editing process and give my photos a pop!


Yes! I am ready to transform my photos!

Total Value: $95

Today's Price: $37

Get instant access to the Clean Collection Presets >>


Save time editing while giving your photos the boost they need to really shine.

Here's what you'll LOVE about these presets:

They save you time and get you out from behind your computer

Download & easy-to-print PDF will help you learn exactly how to get the most out of your presets

 Instant Access to your presets will allow for you to start editing your favorite shots immediately

 The 30-Day Happiness Guarantee...I'm so confident you'll love them that I've backed them with a promise.


For a limited time, you'll also get these  incredible BONUSES!

Take your first step in Lightroom with this bonus video!

Presets are incredible tools, but they aren't the end-all-be-all when it comes to editing. This bonus video will walk you through the basic panel of Lightroom to show you how to add your own personal touch to your images.

Watch Courtney walk you step by step through the tools available to you in Lightroom!


Does it seem like the colors in your images are off?

Do your photos look they've got a yellow tinge to them, or maybe look too blue/cool compared to what you saw when you were shooting? If so, this second bonus is for you!

Watch Courtney take you through the steps you'll need to get your White Balance corrected so that you can see your true colors shine.


Who are the Clean Collection Presets for?

  •  You have Lightroom, but don't have the time to invest in learning it
  • You feel as though your photos are missing the creativity that makes them pop
  • You love your images, but they don't seem to match your vision
  • You are tired of spending hours behind your computer editing
  • You wish your photos had a more consistent look
  • Once you start editing, you have a hard time knowing when to stop


The clean presets are the perfect compliment to a great SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) and the color presets add the perfect amount of depth, sharpening and tone. I love the richness the color presets add to my images - an extra layer of life!


Yes! I am ready to transform my photos!

Total Value: $95

Today's Price: $37

get instant access to the clean collection presets >>

Frequently Asked Questions


 One more time, here's EVERYTHING you'll get when you purchase The Clean Collection Presets!

  • 5 Clean Color quality Lightroom presets 
  • 5 Brightening presets + 1 Darkening presets
  • 5 Black & White clean to moody presets
  • 15 Creative Clean subtly artistic presets
  • ​Detailed PDF describing how best to use the presets 
  • BONUS VIDEO:  Learn the basic panel in Lightroom
  • BONUS VIDEO:  Learn how to correct your White Balance





Give The Clean Collection a try for 30 days, 100% RISK FREE!

 I’m absolutely confident that these presets will transform the way you edit your images and leave you loving your photos.

As someone who wasted hours in Lightroom, I get how frustrating it can be. That is why we created these presets so you can quickly and easily edit your images.

Give the presets a try today. I know you will love them.

I only create programs and products that I believe will help you. If at anytime in the first 30 days you feel these presets aren’t for you, simply email my team and we will happily refund 100% of your investment. No questions asked.

Yes! I am ready to transform my photos!

Total Value: $95

Today's Price: $37

get instant access to the clean collection >>

Legal Disclaimer: Testimonials are the personal opinions expressed by participants of the Photography Workshop and are provided for informational purposes only. Testimonials shall not be deemed as a representation or guarantee regarding typical or expected results from the Photography Workshop. Your results will vary depending on, but not limited to, the package selected, your skill level, and your level of participation.