Go from Snapshots to Stunning images!

Learn the very BEST way to take uniquely beautiful photos with ELEVATE.

Does getting the correct settings quickly feel hit or miss to you?

Do you dream of confidently picking up your DSLR camera?

If so, this may be the most important thing you read today.

Does this story sound familiar?

You shelled out a ton of hard-earned cash on a DSLR camera, but getting the shots you planned on isn’t as easy or simple as you thought it would be.

At first, you thought “I put up the money for this fancy camera, I need to put in the time to get good at using it.”

But instead of your photos getting better, they seemed worse than the photos you could take with your camera phone. 

Frustration sets in.

You thought, “I should be able to do this, but I can’t.”

Your photos were dark and blurry instead of crisp, bright, sharp images. And all the while you were missing the shots you wanted to take.

Like many others, you spent time scouring the internet for tips, or maybe you joined a local class.

But it didn't make sense. Things were not clicking.

Every time you looked at your DSLR, you were just frustrated and angry.

What you really needed was a friend to guide you along the way and explain your camera so you could easily understand and remember.

Unfortunately you stopped picking up your DSLR. You told yourself, “my camera phone is almost as good and it does all the settings for me.” But there was always a part of you that longed to know how to use your DSLR.

Are you nodding your head? 

Then I can help you.

Because I was you.

Let's talk about who this is really for... 

  • You have a DSLR/mirrorless camera but find you pick it up less and less. It seems easier just use your phone.
  • You have a basic understanding of some of the settings but you know there may be a few holes since you are self taught. You want to know that when you upload your photos to your computer they are clear, crisp photos.
  • You shoot mainly with your camera but it's 50/50 on whether or not the photo is going to turn out. So instead of confidently snapping a few photos and putting the camera away to enjoy the moment you find yourself overshooting to give yourself more chances of "getting the shot".
  • You are ready to take your photos to the next level and elevate your photos because your kids/grandkids are growing and you want to savior these moments.
  • You find photography to be a wonderful creative outlet and although you don't have kids in the house anymore to photography you find joy in landscape, nature, and photographing your pets. You are ready to take learn more.

You're in the right place & type your name and best email below so you can be one of the first to find out when the doors open again for ELEVATE. I only open it a couple times a year so you don't want to miss it.

Be the first to know ā¬‡ļø¸


Unlock the power of your camera to capture magical moments

"Inspired me, empowered me & gave me the tools to capture my everyday moments!"

This workshop was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. It inspired me, empowered me and gave me the tools to capture my everyday moments. The course was perfect for me, as a busy mom of four, and a baby that was under 6 months at the time. Six month later, I am able to take beautiful pictures, well into my first 365 Day Project, and am part of an amazing community of women who learned together and months later remain friends and encourage other's development. I am SO much more confident and proud of my pictures after this workshop!

Natalie M.

The course did what it promised. It demystified manual mode for me. 

 - Judy W.

Courtney, you are so friendly and relatable.  You helped give me the confidence that despite my busy life with four children it is possible to master this passion of mine with practice.  Thank you!

Jeni M.

Everything (the site, the videos, the materials, the process) was really well organized and I learned a lot and saw a huge improvement in my pictures right from the start. My camera is no longer hiding in the drawer but has been out and in use almost everyday since I started this course. 


This class finally helped me understand manual mode! I’ve purchased numerous photography how-to books over the years, but the information provided in this class was presented in a way that was more clear, so that it made sense to me. I wish I had taken the class sooner!! 


I cracked the code & now I'm sharing it all with you

Hi! I'm Courtney Slazinik

Follow in the footsteps of the journey I took 13 years ago - when I started learning how photograph the special everyday moments.

But I struggled to take photos like the ones I loved online.

Slowly, I cracked the code. Figured out how to get my settings right. Discovered the magic of working with light. And began to compose rich, interesting images that really tell a story.

Now, I've put all the most important lessons together in Elevate.

Add it will have you taking beautiful, professional-style photos of the people & things you love in no time!


Legal Disclaimer: Testimonials are the personal opinions expressed by participants of the Photography Workshop and are provided for informational purposes only. Testimonials shall not be deemed as a representation or guarantee regarding typical or expected results from the Photography Workshop. Your results will vary depending on, but not limited to, the package selected, your skill level, and your level of participation.